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The proverbial crown often makes the head uncomfortable, and if such a crown is crafted by quisling apostates adept at coercing the head to force the whole body to twitch, the matter becomes a bit too serious. Kashmir, the crown of India, has been manipulated by many such shrewd individuals for too long, causing excruciating pain and agony to many. But every suffering, like every joy, does end at some point!
This book is a war chronicle that starts with the relevant background information, the sequence of events leading to the invasion by Pakistan-backed raiders into the Naushera-Jhangar area of the Mirpur-Bhimber belt in 1947 and the long, brutal campaign by the Indian Army to recapture the lost territory within the constraints of political decision-making. More importantly, the book also
covers the heroic deeds of the isolated troops of the State forces who held on
against all odds during the initial days of the invasion. Many tales that have
never been told appear alongside the saga of bravery, courage and
relentless operations by the Indian Army.
Following closely on the
heels of the first book, ‘Against All Odds: The Naushera-Jhangar Battles
1947-48’, the next book in the series of books on the conflict, titled, ‘In the
Nick of Time’: Saving Kashmir Valley 1947-48’, while focussing specifically on the
operations in the Kashmir Valley, does cover the broader picture of the
conflict since many other areas outside the Valley were also embroiled in a similar
situation around those days.
The Princely State of Jammu & Kashmir was invaded during the first week of October 1947 when, well over three weeks before breaching the border with Kashmir, the invaders, led by Pakistan army officers, attacked the isolated garrisons of the State forces in the Bhimbar-Mirpur-Poonch area, pushed back the forward posts and then occupied the areas so divested. Many prosperous towns and most of the villages in the countryside started falling to the enemy one by one. Indian Army did land in Kashmir in the last week of October, but by then, the situation was becoming irretrievably adverse in the areas West of Pir Panjal Range. And then, Poonch found itself completely isolated and cut off from the rest of the world. The town remained cut off for almost a year except for the aerobridge that was established through sheer hard work and muscle power jointly put in by civilians and Indian troops. The long period of isolation saw some outstanding leadership, steadfast soldiering, unmatched civil-military cooperation and flying skills of the highest order. The saga that was written in the process stands recorded in this book for the nation's future generations to read and get inspired!
This book is a
record of what happened, where it happened and how it was handled!
This work
aims to bring to the fore certain anecdotes and experiences as narrated by those
who were there and who witnessed such events unfolding in front of their own
eyes. That is the closest one can get to the truth of a battlefield engagement.
Have we been able to achieve 100% accuracy? We can’t say! But we are sanguine
that all such accounts are as close to the truth as possible. The contributors,
all in senior age brackets by now, are free from the limitations that are imposed by the service regulations and the impact of events that may have
happened in the recent past. They are well beyond such inducements. These are
the true stories as narrated by our esteemed Veterans of the 1971 Indo-Pak War.
Any reference to the 1947-48 conflict invariably takes our minds
to Kashmir. Kashmir’s significance remained undisputed; other areas saw some of the most intense battlefield engagements on the ground as well as some of the most arguable decisions that were taken at the highest levels. Kishanganga Valley (KG), which covers a huge span right from the North of Sonamarg and all the way to the confluence of the river by the same name with Jhelum at Domel, had actually fallen to the enemy without anyone really knowing about it. However,
by the time the whole of the Kashmir Valley, per se, was liberated towards the middle
of November 1947, the enemy had already fortified his positions in the KG
Valley. The following spring saw the beginning of a long, tiresome slog by our
soldiers who had to fight a well-entrenched enemy and some really harsh weather
in an unforgiving terrain. This book is a wholesome record of those gallant
actions that have, more or less, faded
away from public memory.
Operation Datta Khel, much like Operation Gulmarg that was unleashed by the British through the newly-created state of Pakistan to annex territories in Jammu as well as the Kashmir region, was also the brainchild of the British who looked at Pamirs with a certain amount of apprehension. However, unlike Operation Gulmarg, Operation Datta Khel was planned and executed directly by the British without involving any Pakistani. While the British and Western authors have tried to keep Britain clear of two operations, pointing out other issues involved in the dispute that lingers on even today, Operation Datta Khel was an act that no one sitting in London could ever deny. A couple of awards that followed each other with an almost four-and-a-half-decade-long gap between the two further cements the contention that it was nothing but a British ploy to annex Gilgit-Baltistan by force. Pakistanis, too, stepped in once the territory in the high Himalayas was presented to them by their Masters. What followed then was a long slog that J&K State forces and the Indian Army undertook to push the invaders as far back as was allowed, again by the British!
From “Kashmir is J&K” to “Maqbool Sherwani
saved Kashmir,” “Dogras committed atrocities on Kashmiris,” “The Instrument of
Accession was never signed” to “Kashmiris are different and deserve a special
treatment,” a number of narratives—both false and make-believe—have been
occupying the centre stage of political and academic discourses about J&K
for many decades. This work intends to take a deliberate look at some of the narratives
that are related to the most vital period of our history and continue to
influence the hearts and minds of people of J&K as also many an observer
watching from far away even today. This book may help those who have been swallowed
by certain narratives floating around in our premier educational institutes
across the country to find the proverbial straw that can help them come out of
the abyss. It is hoped that the readers who make an effort to go through the
book will have reasons to change their minds about the issues contained herein;
the change, if at all, however, is expected to be purely on the merit of the argument being presented in this book.
The Princely State of J&K was the largest among
its 564 siblings. It had contributed immensely to Britain's war efforts, and its army had won laurels on many battlefields across the globe. The
British, transfixed by the dynamics of the Great Game wanted the State to go to Pakistan. When that didn't happen, and
Maharaja Hari Singh appeared to be standing firm; they evolved a plan. That
plan had two sub-plans—Operation
Gulmarg and Operation Datta Khel—
to annexe parts of J&K.
The British, however, knew that with the kind of
soldiers that made the Dogra Army of the State, the execution of plots would not be
easy. It was then that they decided to play a game of deceit, treachery and
betrayal. And while they almost succeeded in achieving that, their worst fears
came true when the Dogra Army stood in their path, which led to the seat of power
at Srinagar. The British then used their influence to stir the situation in
favour of Pakistan, but their dream of handing over Kashmir to Pakistan remained
unfulfilled forever!
Largely based on first-hand accounts, this story has
never been told before.
This work is
based on interaction with over 100 serving and veteran soldiers, cops,
civilians, and ladies who had seen Lt Gen DP Pandey from close quarters while
holding different positions under, alongside, or over him. From his school days
to the present moment, numerous lives have been touched by the General through
his illustrative and immersive leadership qualities; this work is a compilation
of thoughts, memories and impressions those souls hold about our protagonist.
In a true sense, therefore, it is an honest, 360-degree evaluation of his
leadership qualities without any cosmetics or dilution, leaving it for the
readers to draw their conclusions and life lessons.
1. Command in Line of Fire: Being a Company Commander in Rashtriya Rifles (only available through sabreandquill@gmail.com)
2. Ladakh Simplified: The Unofficial Handbook of the Buddhist Ladakh....... https://www.amazon.in/dp/8184658559?ref=myi_title_dp
3. A Soldier's Faith: Country Before Gods (Unusual stories of faith from the Indian Army)..... https://www.amazon.in/dp/8187583371?ref=myi_title_dp
4. Cutting Edge: Being a Subunit Commander in the Indian Army.......https://www.amazon.in/dp/9352688236?ref=myi_title_dp
5. And Quietly Flows the Jhelum: A 370 Degree Turn........https://www.amazon.in/dp/8187583339?ref=myi_title_dp
6. Against All Odds: Naushera-Jhangar Battles 1947-48.......https://www.amazon.in/dp/8187583347?ref=myi_title_dp
7. In the Nick of Time: Saving Kashmir Valley 1947-48......https://www.amazon.in/dp/8187583355?ref=myi_title_dp
8. Hold at All Costs: Siege & Relief of Poonch 1947-48.......https://www.amazon.in/dp/8187583363?ref=myi_title_dp
9. Remembered Glory: True Stories from 1971 War.......https://www.amazon.in/dp/8187583398?ref=myi_title_dp
10. Fighting Across Passes: Recapture of Tithwal & Gurez 1947-48....https://www.amazon.in/dp/8187583401?ref=myi_title_dp
11. Remembered Glory Vol 2: More True Stories from 1971 War...https://www.amazon.in/dp/8187583428?ref=myi_title_dp
12. Born for War: Memoirs of a Young Mukti Bahini Jodha (1971).....https://www.amazon.in/dp/8187583444?ref=myi_title_dp
13. Remembered Glory Vol 3: Battlefield Accounts from 1971 War.......https://www.amazon.in/dp/B09B15929B?ref=myi_title_dp
14. Remembered Glory Vol 4: Special Forces Operations in 1971 War....https://www.amazon.in/dp/B09BQRPR2G?ref=myi_title_dp
15. Treachery & Gallantry: Gilgit-Skardu-Ladakh 1947-48......https://www.amazon.in/dp/B09BQQ4Q2Z?ref=myi_title_dp
16. Kashmir Narratives: Facts & Myths of Jammu & Kashmir.....https://www.amazon.in/dp/B09FQCPS63?ref=myi_title_dp
17. Kashmir Narratives (HINDI) https://www.prabhatbooks.com/kahani-jammu-kashmir-ki-hindi-translation-of-kashmir-narratives-myths-vs-realities-of-j-k.htm
18. Valour & Betrayal: Last Man Last Round Battles of Brig Rajendra Singh, MVC..... https://www.amazon.in/dp/B09KPHSXRR?ref=myi_title_dp
19. UNHOLY JIHAD: A True Story from Kashmir ....https://www.amazon.in/dp/B09QRQY3SV?ref=myi_title_dp
20. Forgotten Glory: Battle of Mynamati 1971: https://www.amazon.in/dp/B0B7XKYR6L?ref=myi_title_dp
21. Lion of Ladakh: Life & Times of Colonel Chhewang Rinchen https://www.amazon.in/dp/B0B4WH1NPY?ref=myi_title_dp
22. The Gallant Nunnus: A Saga of Courage, Valour and Unparalleled Sacrifices (only available with the Ladakh Scouts Regimental Centre c/o 56 APO)
23. Battle for Kashmir: https://www.amazon.in/dp/B0C6TZ2144
24. Conspiracy & Intrigue: Truth Unveiled: https://www.amazon.in/dp/8196288646
25. Across the Frozen Frontiers: General Zorawar Singh's Life and His Forays Across the Himalayas: https://www.amazon.in/dp/B0CSKCRCKT
27. Kargil 99: Accounts of Diverse Kinds: https://www.amazon.in/dp/8119509234
28. Unknown Gunmen: A Work in Perpetuity: https://www.amazon.in/dp/B0DGXQWMX6
29. Soldiering with Passion: A Ringside View of the Immersive Leadership Qualities of Lt Gen DP Pandey: https://www.amazon.in/dp/B0DX23FPQ9