Sunday, September 30, 2012

My Bookshelf: Books By Colonel Ajay K Raina, SM, Founder Trustee, Military History Research Foundation (R), India

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      This blog is the noticeboard for my books that have been published till date. Alternatively, you can see the latest status at MY DASHBOARD

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 This book was written on a subject that was too sensitive. So, while it is not available in the civil market/public domain, serving personnel of the Indian Defence Forces (only) can procure a copy of this book by communicating directly with me at The hardcover edition is now out of stock (see the second edition ahead)

This is an outcome of my love for Ladakh and Tashi's vast knowledge of the land and its people. Having been there as a traveller and then as a resident (i.e., me) and having seen travellers and tourists of all kinds (i.e., Tashi's observations), we sat down together to address a very basic necessity—demystifying Ladakh.

You see, any outsider or an onlooker would invariably, unless and until he/ she happens to be Buddhist, find new and strange-looking objects strewn all across this great land. If he/she is curious enough, he/she will find a different way of life not found anywhere else in our great land. You wonder at such things, and in the worst case, you may, out of sheer ignorance, do a thing that may not be in order.
So, here we are... presenting you with simplified details of all such objects, rituals, and traditions. For those who may be interested in background knowledge, we have also included a portion of the region's history and principal religion, as well as its geography, again in a layman's language. One portion also provides information that would be useful to travellers and tourists who may plan to visit this fabulous place.
Available at:- (Paperback @ 15% discount) (Paperback in India)
Kindle (e-book across the globe) (for international paperback edition)


(this edition is out of print and the Second Edition (see below) is now available)

One of the principal organs of a secular state, the Indian Army is yet another hallmark of the stated religious stance of our country. Religion is simply a way of life for the most sensible believers. When viewed from the perspective of a soldier for whom, not surprisingly, a wreath-laying ceremony in the regimental Quarter Guard may be more sacred than a visit to a temple back home, religion tends to have a different import. In any case, a soldier who spends a minimum of nine months in a year in some professional environment wherein a Sarva-dharamsthal (a place for all religions) signifies the point of spiritual indulgence for one and all, orthodox practices appear to be foreign and alien. For a soldier, there can be no distinctions based on religion because when the moment of glory comes, and his blood mixes with that of his buddies, religious beliefs do not appear to make any difference to the colour and texture of the fluid of life. Being a modest soul, a warrior prefers to look beyond religion when it comes to the soldierly way of life.
Sainik Dharamliterally meaning ‘soldier’s religion’- is what the Indian Army calls its faith. And for all of us donning Olive Greens, this term is more about a soldier’s faith than his/her religion per se. In our professional lives, we follow a certain code of conduct that defines our way of life. Therefore, the way of life, as determined by different religions, would often overshadow the soldier’s code of conduct. For a soldier, it is more of a belief system that cannot be kept bound by the defined boundaries of any particular religion. Every unit has a specific belief system nurtured with care, and all team members, irrespective of individual religious alignments, dutifully follow such a belief system. This belief system, in turn, gives birth to soldiers’ faith. And this faith is such that it does not think even once before imbibing healthy rituals and deeds of any community (even if not strictly military) that it comes in contact with. A well-meaning, all-embracing state of mind sets soldiers apart from conformist believers. This faith guides us through critical situations when everything else appears to be deserting us.
This work is all about such a Faith. Based on folklore, existing practices and some related anecdotes, it attempts to place on record some of the practices that have been shaping our faith for decades and have been instrumental in lending such a great character to our profession. It is an all-inclusive product since a combination of the sheer size of our fraternity and the great geographical dimensions of our nation can thwart any such attempt. Most of the tales and incidents mentioned here are based on the experiences of the author as well as some of the closest buddies. The work has been laid out in two parts – the first is about symbols of faith, and the second deals with experiences of a somewhat different kind.
Soldiers, for the better part of their professional lives, live amongst intangibles, and most operational situations come wrapped in dense, foggy layers. We are expected to operate and make decisions in situations with ambiguity. As we grow in our profession, we learn to accept and handle such settings with grace and élan. Unknown to many of us and beyond the reach of our conscious minds, our faith also builds up over time. This near-simultaneous evolution of such cognisant and subliminal facets helps us accept varying practices and beliefs and receive wisdom with a degree of natural ease. As a result, nothing remains alien for long. Before we realise it, our faith is well on its way to imbibing such beliefs, even if the origin of such beliefs may lie well outside the perimeters of our operational bases and peacetime locations.

More than anything else, it is recommended that this work be viewed as a way of appreciating such a unique quality of soldierly life. Soldiers, cutting across their natal religious beliefs, adopt soldierly faith as they grow in the organisation. Without anyone forcing anything on anyone, we slowly get settled in a system where our collective faith becomes what religion would become for others who have not been so privileged to be a soldier in their worldly lives.

AVAILABLE at:- (Paperback @ 15% discount)  (Paperback in India)
Kindle (e-book across the globe) (for the international paperback edition)



Cutting Edge is about the Indian Army's sub-unit commanders. The book aims to provoke certain basic and common-sense issues that tend to get ignored while commanding troops in a maddening peace station. Oriented towards commanding troops in peace and soft fields, it is a manual for young sub-unit commanders of all arms and services.

Available at:- (Paperback with 15% discount) (Paperback in India)
Kindle (e-book across the globe) (for international paperback edition)


A riveting, action-packed account of intrigue behind the scenes labour, dirty
games and everything else that concerns the Valley

The proverbial crown often makes the head uncomfortable, and if such a crown is crafted by quisling apostates adept at coercing the head to force the whole body to twitch, the matter becomes a bit too serious. Kashmir, the crown of India, has been manipulated by many such shrewd individuals for too long, causing excruciating pain and agony to many. But every suffering, like every joy, does end at some point!

Electoral promises, being what these are, have always been short-lived in the biggest democracy in the world. Ordinary people, the key stakeholders, have got used to such a phenomenon. The troublesome neighbour is not too far behind; he is used to typical tolerant reactions to one and many of a thousand cuts that he keeps inflicting on his big neighbour every now and then.

The usual script, however, changes one fine day, and a subtle change begins. Those who observe things closely notice the change, while many others just brush them aside, calling such changes nothing but flashes in a hot cast iron pan.  And then the truth reveals itself – absolutely naked and stark- beyond doubt and impossible to ignore! Yes, a lot goes into running a country; no different than an iceberg; only the tip is visible, yet a lot sails underneath. There are institutions, and then there are agencies. Beyond visible, many entities work 24x7 and remain obscure and unsung!

Yes, it takes a lot to run a nation!

Available at:- (Hardcover with 15% discount) (Hardcover within India)

Kindle (International e-book) & (International paperback) (International paperback)



This book is a war chronicle that starts with the relevant background information, the sequence of events leading to the invasion by Pakistan-backed raiders into the Naushera-Jhangar area of the Mirpur-Bhimber belt in 1947 and the long, brutal campaign by the Indian Army to recapture the lost territory within the constraints of political decision-making. More importantly, the book also covers the heroic deeds of the isolated troops of the State forces who held on against all odds during the initial days of the invasion. Many tales that have never been told appear alongside the saga of bravery, courage and relentless operations by the Indian Army. 

Available At:- (Hard copy with 15% discount) (Hardcover for India sales)

Kindle (International e-book sales) (International Paperback sales)



Following closely on the heels of the first book, ‘Against All Odds: The Naushera-Jhangar Battles 1947-48’, the next book in the series of books on the conflict, titled, ‘In the Nick of Time’: Saving Kashmir Valley 1947-48’, while focussing specifically on the operations in the Kashmir Valley, does cover the broader picture of the conflict since many other areas outside the Valley were also embroiled in a similar situation around those days.

 Crisp, fast-paced, and full of explanatory notes and sketches, the 330-page hardbound book looks and feels fascinating. Many background issues, unusual anecdotes, and rare pictures of that era make the work invaluable for those who love to read about history, both military and political. Covering the period between the 1820s and 1949, the book offers a wholesome package to the readers.

Available at:- (Hardcover with 15% discount) (Hardcover edition for Indian territory)

Kindle (e-book sales internationally) (International Paperback sales)



The Princely State of Jammu & Kashmir was invaded during the first week of October 1947 when, well over three weeks before breaching the border with Kashmir, the invaders, led by Pakistan army officers, attacked the isolated garrisons of the State forces in the Bhimbar-Mirpur-Poonch area, pushed back the forward posts and then occupied the areas so divested. Many prosperous towns and most of the villages in the countryside started falling to the enemy one by one. Indian Army did land in Kashmir in the last week of October, but by then, the situation was becoming irretrievably adverse in the areas West of Pir Panjal Range. And then, Poonch found itself completely isolated and cut off from the rest of the world. The town remained cut off for almost a year except for the aerobridge that was established through sheer hard work and muscle power jointly put in by civilians and Indian troops. The long period of isolation saw some outstanding leadership, steadfast soldiering, unmatched civil-military cooperation and flying skills of the highest order. The saga that was written in the process stands recorded in this book for the nation's future generations to read and get inspired!

This book is a record of what happened, where it happened and how it was handled! (Hardcover with 15% discount)

Kindle ebook internationally) (Hard copy internationally)



This work aims to bring to the fore certain anecdotes and experiences as narrated by those who were there and who witnessed such events unfolding in front of their own eyes. That is the closest one can get to the truth of a battlefield engagement. Have we been able to achieve 100% accuracy? We can’t say! But we are sanguine that all such accounts are as close to the truth as possible. The contributors, all in senior age brackets by now, are free from the limitations that are imposed by the service regulations and the impact of events that may have happened in the recent past. They are well beyond such inducements. These are the true stories as narrated by our esteemed Veterans of the 1971 Indo-Pak War. (Paperback @ 15% discount) (Paperback India) (Paperback internationally)


Any reference to the 1947-48 conflict invariably takes our minds to Kashmir. Kashmir’s significance remained undisputed; other areas saw some of the most intense battlefield engagements on the ground as well as some of the most arguable decisions that were taken at the highest levels. Kishanganga Valley (KG), which covers a huge span right from the North of Sonamarg and all the way to the confluence of the river by the same name with Jhelum at Domel, had actually fallen to the enemy without anyone really knowing about it. However, by the time the whole of the Kashmir Valley, per se, was liberated towards the middle of November 1947, the enemy had already fortified his positions in the KG Valley. The following spring saw the beginning of a long, tiresome slog by our soldiers who had to fight a well-entrenched enemy and some really harsh weather in an unforgiving terrain. This book is a wholesome record of those gallant actions that have, more or less,  faded away from public memory. (Hardcover @ 15% discount) (Hardcover in India)

Kindle. (e-book)

International Paperback


The response from the contributors to the first book of the series, as mentioned above,  was so encouraging that we went ahead with the second volume. As the subtitle tells us, this volume had some more first-hand accounts from the war veterans of the 1971 Indo-Pak War.

Available at (Paperback @ 15% discount) .(Paperback India)
Kindle. (ebook)
International Paperback


This book is based on the true narration by a young Mukti Jodha. As the readers will discover, Shahzaman Mozumder had just about been old enough to be allowed into Mukti Bahini when the resistance against the atrocities by the Pak army in Bangladesh reached a shameful level. Interspersed with the notes by the co-author, this book makes a light but very interesting read. Unfortunately, Shahzaman didn't live long enough to see the book in print.

Available at (Paperback @ 15% discount) (Paperback in India)
Kindle. (ebook)
International Paperback

As the title indicates, this is the third book in the Remembered Glory series. Unlike the first two volumes, this volume contains detailed battlefield accounts. In other words, instead of stories as recorded in the first two volumes, this volume details operational and battlefield plans and their execution.

Available (Paperback @ 15% discount)
Amazon. (Paperback in India)
Amazon Kindle
International Paperback

Our Special Forces are among the best in the world. Today, we have several such specialised units, but it was not so during the 1970s. As a result, the two para SF units (9 and 10 SF) took part in the 1971 war. In addition, another force, the Special Frontier Force (SFF), played a stellar role in that war. This volume, the fourth in the series, records their valour that has never been told before.

Available (Paperback @ 15% discount)
Amazon. (Paperback in India)
Amazon Kindle
International Paperback

Operation Datta Khel, much like Operation Gulmarg that was unleashed by the British through the newly-created state of Pakistan to annex territories in Jammu as well as the Kashmir region, was also the brainchild of the British who looked at Pamirs with a certain amount of apprehension. However, unlike Operation Gulmarg, Operation Datta Khel was planned and executed directly by the British without involving any Pakistani. While the British and Western authors have tried to keep Britain clear of two operations, pointing out other issues involved in the dispute that lingers on even today, Operation Datta Khel was an act that no one sitting in London could ever deny. A couple of awards that followed each other with an almost four-and-a-half-decade-long gap between the two further cements the contention that it was nothing but a British ploy to annex Gilgit-Baltistan by force. Pakistanis, too, stepped in once the territory in the high Himalayas was presented to them by their Masters. What followed then was a long slog that J&K State forces and the Indian Army undertook to push the invaders as far back as was allowed, again by the British! 

Available (Hardcover @ 15% discount)
Amazon (Hardcover in India)
Amazon Kindle
International Paperback

From “Kashmir is J&K” to “Maqbool Sherwani saved Kashmir,” “Dogras committed atrocities on Kashmiris,” “The Instrument of Accession was never signed” to “Kashmiris are different and deserve a special treatment,” a number of narrativesboth false and make-believehave been occupying the centre stage of political and academic discourses about J&K for many decades. This work intends to take a deliberate look at some of the narratives that are related to the most vital period of our history and continue to influence the hearts and minds of people of J&K as also many an observer watching from far away even today. This book may help those who have been swallowed by certain narratives floating around in our premier educational institutes across the country to find the proverbial straw that can help them come out of the abyss. It is hoped that the readers who make an effort to go through the book will have reasons to change their minds about the issues contained herein; the change, if at all, however, is expected to be purely on the merit of the argument being presented in this book.

Available (Paperback @ 15% discount)
Amazon (Paperback in India)
Kindle (ebook)

Hindi translation of this book is available at Prabhat Prakashan:
Available at Parbhat Books...HERE


The Princely State of J&K was the largest among its 564 siblings. It had contributed immensely to Britain's war efforts, and its army had won laurels on many battlefields across the globe. The British, transfixed by the dynamics of the Great Game wanted the State to go to Pakistan. When that didn't happen, and Maharaja Hari Singh appeared to be standing firm; they evolved a plan. That plan had two sub-plansOperation Gulmarg and Operation Datta Khel to annexe parts of J&K.

The British, however, knew that with the kind of soldiers that made the Dogra Army of the State, the execution of plots would not be easy. It was then that they decided to play a game of deceit, treachery and betrayal. And while they almost succeeded in achieving that, their worst fears came true when the Dogra Army stood in their path, which led to the seat of power at Srinagar. The British then used their influence to stir the situation in favour of Pakistan, but their dream of handing over Kashmir to Pakistan remained unfulfilled forever!

Largely based on first-hand accounts, this story has never been told before.

Available (Paperback @ 15% discount)
Amazon (Paperback in India)
Amazon Kindle
International Paperback


The use of religion to achieve political ambitions is nothing new; religion, as a tool, has been used for centuries and all across the globe. We may call them extremists, fringe elements, or crusaders, and the fact remains that religion-based motivation to wage war has been part of the modern history of humankind. Jihad, as per Islamic belief, is supposed to be a struggle towards self-betterment by each individual as also a holy war when the faith is in jeopardy and needs to be safeguarded. It is, by no stretch of the imagination, an act of aggression, though vested quarters have been preaching skewed interpretations of the same with underlying hidden motives of all kinds.
While it is now well-established that the highly publicised word, Kashmiriyat, is nothing but a political invention of the mid-1970s, life in Kashmir Valley has always been dictated by its majority since the 14th Century. There has, however, always existed a fine ‘quantity-quality’ balance between the two communities, with a small community of Kashmiri Pandits invariably holding high offices and the brute majority of Muslims dictating the social life. At a practical level, it boiled down to the interdependence between the two. That delicate balance, too, was tampered with when Pakistan-sponsored terrorism arrived in the Valley. Killings and rapes of minority communities then saw the sixth mass exodus from the Valley over as many centuries. The fire, so cleverly ignited by the Pakistani agencies who left no stone unturned in selling the idea of Islam being in danger and Jihad as an obligation to the Kashmiri Muslims, however, soon started scorching Kashmir itself. This story is an effort to showcase what happened and how did it happen. Based on the life story of a terrorist, this book can be considered as one of the few books that give a peep into various layers of the trouble in Kashmir.
Available (Paperback @ 15% discount)
Amazon (Paperback in India)
Kindle (ebook)

“……..I only wish and pray that no Commanding Officer is ever rushed into such a hopeless situation!” 
The above statement by Brigadier AS Brar, VrC, says a lot about the circumstances under which the Battle of Mynamati was fought. His battalion had been ordered to attack a well-defended hill complex being held by an enemy brigade. The enemy also enjoyed well-coordinated artillery and armour support. The order given to his battalion was just a one-liner; no detailed briefing or appreciation by the higher commanders was shared, nor was time given for a deliberate reconnaissance. Maps were obsolete, and the objective lay more than 15 km away. No artillery support; tanks reached only after the attack had gone in, and fierce fighting had been on for over six hours. Air support never materialised, and an indifferent brigade HQ did nothing to assist the battalion. 

This mesmerising first-hand account throws up many lessons that commanders at all levels need to assimilate, absorb, and ensure that no unit is ever thrown into a battle with such handicaps. 



Colonel Chewang Rinchen, MVC**, SM, is hailed as the Lion of Ladakh. Starting as a young soldier at the tender age of 17, he excelled as a soldier and leader of men while operating in possibly the country's harshest terrain and weather conditions. Colonel Rinchen is a die-hard soldier, a great leader, a loving father, a doting husband, and a social activist who continues to inspire the following generations of Indian warriors and Ladakhi youth alike. With two Mahavir Chakras, one Sena Medal and a Mentioned-in-Dispatches, he stands tall amongst the highest decorated soldiers of India. 




The untold story of our Bravehearts from LADAKH SCOUTS
Not available for open sale.

Written in a narrative form, this book narrates the story in a historical/creative fiction manner for the ease of understanding by those who like history but are not comfortable treading into the hardcore military history with all its slangs and terminology. The time period covered in the book is from around mid-August till mid-November.
Kashmir refers to the Kashmir province of the erstwhile Princely State of Jammu & Kashmir. The State had two more provinces—Jammu and Ladakh (now a separate UT). Even though, in purely technical terms, the Valley of Kashmir constituted less than 10% of the geographical mass of the State, it held the key to the State since, at the time of the invasion, the Royalty of the State was still in Srinagar, the summer capital of the State. Pakistan was planning to capture the Maharaja alive and make him sign the Instrument of Accession., thus merging the State into Pakistan. The plan, devised by the British, was sound but then came the unpredictable human factor, and the rest is history. KASHMIR was on edge when a combined force of 6,000 Kabailis and the Pakistan army personnel was welcomed by the soldiers of J&K State forces on 22 October 1947. Such treachery in Muzaffarabad then created a situation wherein Srinagar and the Royalty of the State were left vulnerable as only a few hours separated the invaders from the defenceless summer capital of the princely State. The British plan to annex Kashmir for Pakistan seemed to be well on track till a few brave men decided to take on the evil designs of the colonial power. Then followed a saga of grit, determination and unmatched sacrifices; tables were turned, and Kashmir was saved. This is the story of those gallant men from the State forces and the Indian armed forces who gave their all to save Kashmir for India.

 Between March and August 1947, the political environment in the Indian Subcontinent underwent a churn like never before. The British, masters of many games, created ripples by suddenly rescheduling the date of exit, withdrawing the option of independence for the bigger princely states, and creating a situation where Jammu & Kashmir could be forcibly annexed. Mohd Ali Jinnah, having declared publicly that he had no issues with the Maharaja of Jammu & Kashmir remaining independent, harboured the unsaid ambition of owning a private cottage in Kashmir. Maharaja Hari Singh, not even sure about the geographical contiguity of his state with an independent India till as late as 17 August 1947, kept on nursing his dream of staying independent while the National Conference and Muslim Conference stirred trouble for him in Kashmir and Jammu regions respectively. Lord Mountbatten tried to coax the Maharaja to join Pakistan, while Mohandas Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru and Sardar Patel tried to do their bit differently. Many British commanders and officers, holding responsible posts in yet-to-be-born twins and the princely State of J&K, indulged in activities that could simply be called unbecoming of such officers. Times could not have been more turbulent in such an environment… this is the story of those uncertain times! 


General Zorawar Singh must need no introduction. His daring military campaigns across the Great Himalayan Range into the so-called ‘Forbidden Highlands’ were unparalleled and have remained unmatched even by modern-day armies. Unfortunately, many don’t know about him; others who may know his name tend to be carried away by misleading sobriquets like Napolean of the East! This book covers his life journey from his native village in present-day Himachal Pradesh to his death in action in Western Tibet and beyond and finishes in the contemporary period. This book sincerely attempts to record his life story for the sake of posteriority. 



June 2020: A bloody clash happened between the Indian Army and the Chinese PLA in the basin of the Galwan River in Eastern Ladakh. The incident, however, was an isolated one. Something similar but without fatalities had happened barely a month earlier and in a neighbouring sector. Why such incidents happened after a long phase of non-violent confrontations along the Line of Actual Control remains a mystery but it is evident that the initiative was taken by the Chinese. To that extent, certain reasons pushed the Chinese to do what they did. Those clashes followed a series of manoeuvres and counter-manoeuvres from both sides. Some more lives were lost as the two sides came close to an all-out war in that frozen land. This book, in a narrative, fictionalised form, tells us the story of what happened, where it happened, and how it happened.


Many books, including by those who fought the 1999 Kargil Conflict on the ground, have been written. This book doesn’t aim to repeat those stories. It is a collection of a few firsthand experiences and perspectives. In fact, no specific battle stands described in detail since those details are already in the public domain, and whatever has not been declassified till now is better left under wraps. Another interesting element in this work is the inclusion of a firsthand account by a soldier from across the Line of Control (LoC).


A massive strike on the Indian forces by Pakistan-backed terrorists in Kashmir triggers a chain of responses. To the general people, the airstrikes inside Pakistan were the only response. Beyond the curtains inside the corridors of power in New Delhi, something else was planned and deliberately executed over the next few years. This is how Bharat will respond in future. This is, as mentioned, a work in perpetuity. out on 15 September



1. Command in Line of Fire: Being a Company Commander in Rashtriya Rifles (only available through

2. Ladakh Simplified: The Unofficial Handbook of the Buddhist Ladakh.......

3. A Soldier's Faith: Country Before Gods (Unusual stories of faith from the Indian Army).....

4. Cutting Edge: Being a Subunit Commander in the Indian Army.......

5. And Quietly Flows the Jhelum: A 370 Degree Turn........

6. Against All Odds: Naushera-Jhangar Battles 1947-48.......

7. In the Nick of Time: Saving Kashmir Valley 1947-48......

8. Hold at All Costs: Siege & Relief of Poonch 1947-48.......

9. Remembered Glory: True Stories from 1971 War.......

10. Fighting Across Passes: Recapture of Tithwal & Gurez 1947-48....

11. Remembered Glory Vol 2: More True Stories from 1971 War...

12. Born for War: Memoirs of a Young Mukti Bahini Jodha (1971).....

13. Remembered Glory Vol 3: Battlefield Accounts from 1971 War.......

14. Remembered Glory Vol 4: Special Forces Operations in 1971 War....

15. Treachery & Gallantry: Gilgit-Skardu-Ladakh 1947-48......

16. Kashmir Narratives: Facts & Myths of Jammu & Kashmir.....

17. Kashmir Narratives (HINDI)

18. Valour & Betrayal: Last Man Last Round Battles of Brig Rajendra Singh, MVC.....

19. UNHOLY JIHAD: A True Story from Kashmir ....

20. Forgotten Glory: Battle of Mynamati 1971:

21. Lion of Ladakh: Life & Times of Colonel Chhewang Rinchen

22. The Gallant Nunnus: A   Saga of Courage, Valour and Unparalleled  Sacrifices (only available with the Ladakh Scouts Regimental Centre c/o 56 APO)

23. Battle for Kashmir:

24. Conspiracy & Intrigue:Truth Unveiled:

25. Across the Frozen Frontiers: General Zorawar Singh's Life and His Forays Across the Himalayas:

26. Leap of the Snow Leopard: Eastern Ladakh 2020-21:

27. Kargil 99: Accounts of Diverse Kinds:

28. Unknown Gunmen: A Work in Perpetuity: Being Released on 15 Sep 2024